Silver Creek Dentist

Dental Bridges in Mississauga, ON

A bridge is a custom-made dental restoration that consists of pontic or replacement teeth supported by adjacent teeth. Dental bridges are alternatives to partial dentures and are preferred by individuals seeking permanent dental restoration. If you’ve recently lost some of your teeth, a dental bridge can help you restore your smile’s aesthetics and function.

Silver Creek Dentist is a family-friendly dental office that provides bridges in Mississauga, ON. We welcome you for a consultation with our dentist near you today. Remember, the sooner you replace your missing teeth, the better your chances of avoiding the long-term complications associated with tooth loss.

The Treatment Process

Dental bridges near you require at least two appointments. Our dentist in Mississauga, ON, first conducts a thorough evaluation to determine your suitability for dental bridges. We’ll take dental x-rays and visually inspect your oral cavity to check for dental issues.

Next, the dentist prepares your adjacent or abutment teeth by trimming off some enamel to make room for the dental crowns. After reshaping the teeth, the dentist takes your dental impressions and shares these with the dental lab. The dental lab team then embarks on creating custom restorations from your impressions.

On your second visit, the dentist cements the crowns in place, revealing your brand new smile. It’s worth noting that the treatment process may differ slightly depending on the preferred type of dental bridge. Silver Creek Dentist offers four types of bridges: conventional bridges, cantilever bridges, Maryland-bonded bridges, and implant-supported bridges.

Types of Bridges

Our dentist near you may recommend any of these four bridges depending on your unique needs:

Traditional Bridges

A traditional bridge is supported by two teeth, each on either side of the gap created by missing teeth. The bridge support framework consists of two custom crowns that are cemented onto these teeth.

Cantilever Bridges

A cantilever bridge consists of one crown, instead of two, as is the case with traditional bridges. Cantilever bridges are preferred when there’s only a single tooth next to the missing tooth gap.

Maryland-bonded Bridges

Maryland-bonded bridges are supported by two teeth. However, instead of dental crowns, Maryland-bonded bridges utilize porcelain or metal wings for support. These are attached to the lingual or back side of the adjacent teeth. Maryland-bonded bridges are ideal for replacing the front teeth, where getting crowns might not be aesthetically pleasing or even practical.

Implant-Supported Bridges

If you’d like to get bridges but don’t have natural teeth for support, our dentist may recommend getting implant-retained bridges. As the name suggests, implant-supported bridges are held in place by artificial tooth roots.

If you’re interested in dental bridges near you, get in touch with Silver Creek Dentist today.

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