Silver Creek Dentist

Dental Implants in Mississauga, ON

An implant is a small metal post placed in the jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root. Implants offer excellent support for various dental restorations, including crowns, dental bridges and dentures.

If you’ve recently suffered tooth loss, we welcome you to Silver Creek Dentist to determine if implants in Mississauga, ON, are right for you. Our dentists near you has extensive experience in restorative dentistry and takes time to evaluate your dental health and recommend an appropriate teeth replacement method.

Implants Treatment Process

The Consultation

The dental implants treatment process starts with a thorough assessment during which our dentists near you in Mississauga, ON, obtains various, relevant insights into your oral health. Patients who require conventional implants must have healthy bone and gum tissue to allow dental implant surgery to go on. If you’ve experienced bone loss or atrophy, our dentist may undertake bone grafting to rebuild your bone. Alternatively, mini implants may be preferred, as these require less bone for implantation.

Dental Implant Surgery

If you’re a fitting candidate for implants, our dentist near you schedules your dental implant surgery. To perform this surgery, our dentist begins by administering appropriate anesthesia. Then, the dentist accesses your bone tissue through an incision in the gums and makes tiny holes in your bone. Next, the dentist implants the artificial tooth root into these holes. The dentist then sutures the incision made in the gums and allows you to go home to begin the healing and recovery process.

Healing, Recovery and Next Steps

Over several months, the tooth implants fuse with the bone in a process known as osseointegration. After complete healing, the dentist calls you back and attaches a connector post to the implant, and finally, the restoration of your choice.

Our dentist closely monitors you throughout treatment to ensure that you’re progressing as desired.

Besides conventional implants, Silver Creek Dentist also offers immediate load implants. These are placed immediately after tooth extraction and are ideal for patients seeking an instant smile transformation.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer great benefits to tooth loss patients, including:

  • Dental implants provide excellent stability. Your restorations will never fall off in the middle of a meal or conversation.
  • Implants closely mimic the look, feel and function of natural teeth.
  • Implants keep the jawbone stimulated, preventing bite collapse.
  • Implants require minimal maintenance.

Are you seeking a second chance at a perfect smile after tooth loss? Choose implants near you today.  Contact Silver Creek Dentist today to find out more.

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