Here at Silver Creek Dentist, we encourage our patients to brush their teeth twice daily and floss once daily. Incorporating these dental hygiene habits into your daily routine minimizes your risk of cavities and gum disease. However, for best protection, patients must also schedule regular dental exams and cleanings in Mississauga, ON.
Regular exams and cleanings are an opportunity for our dentist near you to monitor your dental health closely and recommend appropriate interventions when necessary. Individuals who visit the dentist for regular checkups at least every six months have a lower risk of developing cavities and gum disease. Dental exams and cleanings are painless and highly recommended both for adult and pediatric patients.
During a dental exam, our dentist in Mississauga, ON, visually inspects your oral cavity to check for signs of dental problems. Besides cavities, we’ll also evaluate you for bite problems, oral cancer, tooth grinding, temporomandibular disorders and other commonly occurring dental health challenges. We further utilize dental imaging to check for issues that may be hidden to the naked eye. After a comprehensive evaluation, our dentist determines if you require any urgent treatments.
The second part of your appointment involves cleaning your teeth thoroughly to remove all plaque and tartar. Plaque is a sticky by-product of bacterial activity and the main culprit behind cavities and gum disease.
Dental exams and cleanings don’t require anesthesia. However, patients with extreme dental anxiety or special needs sometimes require sedation to stay relaxed during these procedures. Silver Creek Dentist offers various types of sedation to enhance the comfort of our patients.
Regular exams and cleanings near you offer numerous key benefits, including:
At Silver Creek Dentist, we don’t recommend leaving your oral health to chance. Take greater control of your dental health today by scheduling comprehensive dental exams and cleanings. Reach out to our dentist near you in Mississauga, ON, to book an appointment today.