Silver Creek Dentist

Biopsy in Mississauga, ON

A biopsy is a procedure during which a dentist removes a tissue sample from your oral cavity to check for the presence of a particular disease. Biopsies are performed on an outpatient basis and are often required if the patient shows worrisome signs during oral cancer screening. If you need a biopsy in Mississauga, ON, get in touch with Silver Creek Dentist immediately.

Types of Biopsies

Our dentist near you performs different types of biopsies depending on the matter at hand. These include incisional, excisional, brush and percutaneous biopsies.

Incisional Biopsy

This is the most common form of biopsy. To perform an incisional biopsy, the dentist removes a portion of the suspicious tissue and then examines it under a microscope. Our dentist may collaborate with a pathologist for this process.

Excisional Biopsy

An excisional biopsy involves removing an entire lesion or growth for examination. This type of biopsy is preferred when the lesion is small and easily accessible.

Brush Biopsy

A brush biopsy is a non-invasive procedure. During a brush biopsy, our dentist near you in Mississauga, ON, forcefully rubs a brush against abnormal tissue to gather cells for examination.

Percutaneous Biopsy

A percutaneous biopsy involves the insertion of a biopsy needle through the skin. There are two types of percutaneous biopsies—fine needle biopsy and core needle biopsy. Fine needle biopsies work best for easily visible and accessible lesions. In contrast, core needle biopsies are preferred when the dentist needs to gather more tissue for examination.

What to Expect Before, During and After a Biopsy

Biopsies don’t require any special preparation. However, if you’re on any medication, it would be best to discuss the same with our dentist to determine if you need to quit taking it for a while. Some medications, such as blood thinners, can affect a biopsy outcome, and as such, you need professional guidance on this.

On the day of the biopsy, the dentist begins by prepping the area by sterilizing the soft tissue and then administering a local anesthetic. In the case of a brush biopsy, you don’t require anesthesia. The dentist then uses a cheek retractor to easily access the lesion, swelling, or patch that requires examination.

The process of obtaining the tissue for examination depends on the type of biopsy, as discussed in the previous section. After obtaining the tissue, the dentist sends them to the lab for a detailed analysis.

The biopsy result determines the next steps. If you’re found to have precancerous or cancerous cells, our dentist embarks on creating a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs.

Looking for a trusted dental office  in Mississauga in  that can perform a biopsy near you? Get in touch with Silver Creek Dentist today.

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