Silver Creek Dentist

Dental Fillings in Mississauga, ON

ooth or dental fillings in Mississauga, ON, repair decayed, broken, chipped and worn teeth. If you have any of these dental issues, our dentist near you may recommend fillings as a means of alleviating further damage and restoring your smile’s function and aesthetics.

The process of getting tooth fillings is simple, straightforward and mostly painless. We utilize appropriate anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience. Patients who struggle with dental anxiety and those with special needs are encouraged to ask about sedation options.

Types of Fillings

Many decades back, patients who required dental fillings had incredibly limited options. For many years, dental restoration could only be achieved through silver amalgam fillings. Fast forward to today, patients can choose from a wide array of tooth fillings, including gold fillings, tooth-coloured composite resin fillings, ceramics and glass ionomer fillings.

All of these fillings have various pros and cons. Our dentist near you in Mississauga, ON, takes time to inform you of each type of filling’s benefits and downsides to allow you to make an informed decision.

Dental Fillings Treatment Procedure

Our dentist starts by administering anesthesia to numb the affected tooth and surrounding areas. Next, the dentist uses a dental drill or laser instrument to remove the tooth’s decayed parts. After removing all traces of decay, the dentist prepares the tooth to receive the filling. Preparation typically involves reshaping the tooth as required and also disinfecting it to get rid of microflora. Finally, the dentist restores the tooth using the dental filling material of your choice.

In the case of tooth-coloured composite resin fillings, restoration is done in layers. The dentist applies a single layer and then allows it to harden before applying the next layer. Once the multi-layering process is complete, the dentist polishes the composite material to achieve the desired final look.

If you have extensive cavities that cannot be repaired using simple tooth fillings, our dentist near you in Mississauga, ON, may prefer to use indirect tooth fillings or inlays and onlays. These are custom-fabricated in a lab and then bonded to the damaged tooth.

If you have broken, chipped, decayed or worn teeth, you can restore them using tooth fillings. To learn more about tooth fillings near you, get in touch with Silver Creek Dentist today.

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